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Najnowsze nabytki Biblioteki CBK PAN

  • Termin "najnowsze nabytki" obejmuje książki ostatnio zakupione, bądź podarowane bibliotece. Wykaz obejmuje 10 książek ułożonych tak, że najnowszy nabytek (książka) będzie zawsze na pierwszym miejscu.

1. Gron O., Lecture Notes on the General Theory of Relativity From Newton’s Attractive Gravity to the Repulsive Gravity of Vacuum Energy


    ISBN: 978-0-387-88133-1
    Liczba stron: Approx. 265, 93 illus.
    Data wydania: 2009
    nr inw. F.11 9347

    "This book has resulted from a course in the general theory of relativity at the University of Oslo where the author has lectured for more than twenty years. Although the text is designed for master students, it is rather self-contained. Since mathematics courses on differential geometry and tensor calculus usually employ a rather abstract notation different from the component notation used in physical applications, the book introduces not only an introduction to the physical principles of the theory and physical applications of the theory, but also introduces the mathematics which is needed, in particular the calculus of differential forms. Detailed calculations are given of the bending of light, the perihelion precession of Mercury and the predictions for the Hafele-Keating experiment. The Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation is deduced and solved for an incompressible fluid to give the internal Schwarzschild solution. Rotating black holes are discussed. The Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe models are deduced. Also the reader will become familiar with the Universe model which is now considered as the standard model of the universe; a flat model filled with vacuum energy and cold matter. The inflationary era at the first moment of the history of our universe is also discussed.

    Written for:
    Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the field of The General Theory of Relativity; physicists and researchers working in Cosmology"

2. Perrin, Agnes; Ben Sari-Zizi, Najate; Demaison, Jean (Eds.) , Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere for Environmental Security. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere for Environmental Security, Rabat, Morocco, 16-19 November 2005.

Series: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series
Subseries: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security


    ISBN: 978-1-4020-5089-3
    Liczba stron: XI, 353
    Data wydania: 2006
    nr inw. K.1/GF.2 9346

    "Recent ecological disasters make human beings aware of changes in the Earth’s climate. At the present time anthropogenic activities lead to the emission of greenhouse gases, pollutants, aerosols and ozone depleting substances and the scientific community in general feels responsible for understanding how changes in atmospheric chemistry can affect the Earth’s climate. A NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) was organized at Rabat (Morocco) on the 17-19th of November 2005 on the "Remote sensing of the Atmosphere for Environmental Security". The first part of the proceedings describes the current capabilities of various satellite experiments which are performing measurements of the Earth’s atmosphere, as for example some of the results obtained recently by three experiments onboard the ENVISAT Environment Satellite (ENVISAT), namely, the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME), the SCanning Imaging Absorption for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) and the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS). For the analysis of spectra recorded by these instruments it is necessary to make good use of efficient radiative transfer codes. These computer codes need as input, a dataset of high quality spectroscopic parameters which can be generated only through a careful analysis of high quality laboratory measurements. In addition some of the future satellite missions which are under preparation at the European Space Agency (ESA) are briefly described. The characterisation of pollution in urban areas and the growing lack of water in many countries of the Mediterranean area are of universal concern. The extreme variability of the properties of aerosols in arid and semi arid areas is presented in the context of an experiment performed at Cairo (in Egypt). Finally, the understanding of climate chemistry couplings requires that ground-based and satellite information be confronted with the results of chemical transport and atmospheric models collected and discussed in the frame of international agencies.

    Written for:
    Meteorologists, geologists, astronomers, scientists working in the field of climatology ."

3. Wheelon A. D., Electromagnetic Scintillation. Volume 2, Weak Scattering


    ISBN-13: 9780521024259 | ISBN-10: 0521024250
    Liczba stron: 464
    Data wydania: 2003
    nr inw. GF.2/F.3 9345

    "Electromagnetic Scintillation describes the phase and amplitude fluctuations imposed on signals that travel through the atmosphere. The volumes that make up Electromagnetic Scintillation will provide a modern reference and comprehensive tutorial, treating both optical and microwave propagation and integrating measurements and predictions at each step of the development. This first volume deals with phase and angle-of-arrival measurement errors, accurately described by geometrical optics. It will be followed by a further volume examining weak scattering. In this book, measured properties of tropospheric and ionospheric irregularities are reviewed first. Electromagnetic fluctuations induced by these irregularities are then estimated for a wide range of applications. The book will be of interest to those working in the resolution of astronomical interferometers and large single-aperture telescopes, as well as synthetic aperture radars and laser pointing/tracking systems. It is also directly relevant to those working in laser metrology, GPS location accuracy, and terrestrial and satellite communications."

4. Wheelon A. D., Electromagnetic Scintillation. Volume 1: Geometrical Optics


    ISBN-13: 9780521801980 | ISBN-10: 0521801982
    Liczba stron: 474
    Data wydania: 2001
    nr inw. GF.2/F.3 9344

    "Electromagnetic Scintillation describes the phase and amplitude fluctuations imposed on signals that travel through the atmosphere. The volumes that make up Electromagnetic Scintillation will provide a modern reference and comprehensive tutorial, treating both optical and microwave propagation and integrating measurements and predictions at each step of the development. This first volume deals with phase and angle-of-arrival measurement errors, accurately described by geometrical optics. It will be followed by a further volume examining weak scattering. In this book, measured properties of tropospheric and ionospheric irregularities are reviewed first. Electromagnetic fluctuations induced by these irregularities are then estimated for a wide range of applications. The book will be of interest to those working in the resolution of astronomical interferometers and large single-aperture telescopes, as well as synthetic aperture radars and laser pointing/tracking systems. It is also directly relevant to those working in laser metrology, GPS location accuracy, and terrestrial and satellite communications.

    • Provides a modern, comprehensive reference for all aspects of electromagnetic scintillation
    • Tailored to the needs of practitioners: astronomers, applied physicists and engineers
    • This tutorial presentation integrates predictions and measurements"

5. Skou N. and Le Vine D., Microwave Radiometer Systems: Design and Analysis, Second Edition


    ISBN: 978-1-58053-974-6
    Liczba stron: 250
    Data wydania: 2006
    nr inw. K.2/F.3 9343

    "Microwave radiometers are tools used for passive microwave remote sensing – a technological process that allows for the measurement of important parameters that help professionals understand and predict climate and weather patterns. Written by leading experts in industry and academia, this authoritative resource offers practitioners a solid understanding of radiometer systems and explains how to design a system based on given specifications, taking into account both technical aspects and geophysical realities. This second edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the numerous advances that have been made in the field since the original edition was published in 1989. New material covered includes two of today’s hottest microwave radiometry topics – polarimetric measurements and aperture synthesis."

6. Ollivier, M., Encrenaz, T., Roques, F., Selsis, F., Casoli, F. , Planetary Systems. Detection, Formation and Habitability of Extrasolar Planets

Series: Astronomy and Astrophysics Library


    ISBN: 978-3-540-75747-4
    Liczba stron: XIII, 342
    Data wydania: 2009
    nr inw. A.19/A.14 9342

    "Over the past ten years, the discovery of extrasolar planets has opened a new field of astronomy, and this area of research is rapidly growing, from both the observational and theoretical point of view. The presence of many giant exoplanets in the close vicinity of their star shows that these newly discovered planetary systems are very different from the solar system. New theoretical models are being developed in order to understand their formation scenarios, and new observational methods are being implemented to increase the sensitivity of exoplanet detections.
    In the present book, the authors address the question of planetary systems from all aspects. Starting from the facts (the detection of more than 300 extraterrestrial planets), they first describe the various methods used for these discoveries and propose a synthetic analysis of their global properties. They then consider the observations of young stars and circumstellar disks and address the case of the solar system as a specific example, different from the newly discovered systems. Then the study of planetary systems and of exoplanets is presented from a more theoretical point of view. The book ends with an outlook to future astronomical projects, and a description of the search for life on exoplanets. This book addresses students and researchers who wish to better understand this newly expanding field of research.

    Written for:
    Graduate and advanced undergraduate students, researchers Keywords:

    • Disks, circumstellar
    • Exoplanets
    • Exoplanets, Detection of
    • Life, Extraterrestrial
    • Planets
    • Solar System
    • Stellar Systems, Formation of"

7. Z. Kurczyński, Lotnicze i satelitarne obrazowanie Ziemi. Cz. 1 i 2


    ISBN: 83-7207-655-3
    Liczba stron: 582
    Data wydania: 2006
    nr inw. K.1 9340-9341

    "W monografii przedstawiono podstawy fotografowania lotniczego, głównie na potrzeby opracowań kartograficznych oraz fotointerpretacyjnych. Akcent położono na kartometryczność zdjęć lotniczych oraz praktyczne problemy wykonawstwa zdjęć fotogrametrycznych. Dość szeroko podjęto również problematykę obrazowania powierzchni Ziemi innymi (niefotograficznymi) technikami, a w tym techniką lotniczego skaningu laserowego, obrazowania wielospektralnego w zakresie optycznym oraz obrazowania mikrofalowego (radarowego). Ważną część monografii stanowi problematyka obrazowania satelitarnego oraz zagadnienia przydatności obrazów satelitarnych na potrzeby tworzenia cyfrowych produktów kartograficznych."

8. J. Downarowicz H. Leśniok, Polsko-angielski, angielsko-polski słownik terminów z zakresu geodezji, map i nieruchomości


    ISBN: 83-7207-599-9
    Liczba stron: 434
    Data wydania: 2006
    nr inw. I 9339

    "Słownik ten jest najszerszym opracowaniem z tego zakresu w Polsce, zawiera ok. 30 tys. haseł. Jest to poprawiona i uzupełniona wersja dwóch tomów poprzedniego wydania połączonego w jedną całość. Poprzednie wydanie: " Angielsko-polski słownik dla geodetów" tom I oraz "Polsko-angielski słownik dla specjalistów z zakresu pomiarów geodezyjnych, map, planów i nieruchomości" tom II zostały wyczerpane."

9. Jacek Lamparski, Krzysztof Świątek, GPS w praktyce geodezyjnej


    ISBN: 83-60968-00-0
    Liczba stron: 187
    Data wydania: 2007
    nr inw. GD.4/GD.1 9338

    "Jest to już drugie wydanie tej publikacji, gruntownie zmienione. W stosunku do pierwszego wydania zmienił się również skład autorski. Oprócz dr Jacka Lamparskiego współautorem został prof. Krzysztof Świątek. W nowej edycji Autorzy kładą nacisk na praktyczne aspekty związane z zastosowaniem odbiorników GPS w szerokiej gamie zastosowań geodezyjnych. Oprócz przypomnienia ogólnych zasad, obowiązujących przy stosowaniu techniki GPS w geodezji, Autorzy opisują konkretne przykłady zastosowań GPS w: zakładaniu osnów III klasy, pomiarach sieci realizacyjnych, pomiarach fotopunktów, aktualizacji ewidencji, pracach w geodezji inżynieryjnej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem techniki GPS RTK oraz interpretacji uzyskiwanych dokładności.
    Książka porusza także problemy pomiarów wykorzystujących dostępne modele geoidy do określania wysokości normalnych oraz wykorzystania geodezyjnych stacji permanentnych. Omówione też zostały problemy związane z przeliczaniem istniejących osnów na nowy układ 2000 i problemy podnoszenia dokładności przy pomocy pomiarów uzupełniających GPS. Każdy z opisywanych przypadków poparty został konkretnymi przykładami. Niniejsze opracowanie Autorzy kierują do osób chcących wykorzystać technikę pomiarów GPS w geodezji, a nieposiadających jeszcze w tym zakresie dużych doświadczeń. Zawarto w nim wiele spostrzeżeń i wskazówek dla przyszłych użytkowników GPS, które wynikają z pewnego już doświadczenia autorów oraz problemów z jakimi spotykali się w terenie. "

10. Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, and Stephen M. Kogon, Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: Spectral Estimation, Signal Modeling, Adaptive Filtering and Array Processing


    ISBN: 978-1-58053-366-9
    Liczba stron: 816
    Data wydania: 2005
    nr inw. K.1/P.2 9337

    "This authoritative volume on statistical and adaptive signal processing offers you a unified, comprehensive and practical treatment of spectral estimation, signal modeling, adaptive filtering, and array processing. Packed with over 3,000 equations and more than 300 illustrations, this unique resource provides you with balanced coverage of implementation issues, applications, and theory, making it a smart choice for professional engineers and students alike. From the fundamentals of discrete-time signal processing and linear signal models, to optimum linear filters and least-squares filtering and prediction, you get in-depth information on a broad range of critical topics from leading experts in industry and academia. This invaluable reference provides clear examples, problem sets, and computer experiments that help you master the material and learn how to implement various methods presented in the book. You also find a set of Matlab® functions that illustrate the use of various techniques and can be used to solve real-world problems in the field."

© Michał Sawicki & Paweł Grochowalski

CBK, PAN © 2007